Tamar Andrusier

Tamar Andrusier is a pianist, chamber musician and educator.


Tamar has given concerts across Europe as a soloist, duo recitalist and chamber musician and has broadcast on BBC Radio 3. Tamar has performed much of the piano chamber repertoire, working with some of the UK’s finest instrumentalists including principals from the London Symphony Orchestra, Welsh National Opera, BBC Scottish Symphony and Irish Chamber Orchestras.


In 1995 Tamar founded the critically acclaimed Andrusier Ensemble.  For a decade they specialised in performing the chamber music of Terezín, the wartime concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. The Ensemble was invited by the British Home Office to perform on BBC TV to mark the first Holocaust Memorial Day and the Ensemble’s award-winning education workshops, supported by musicians including Yehudi Menuhin, took an anti-racism message to thousands of children at schools throughout the UK.


Tamar is widely acknowledged for her creative teaching approach. Her chamber students’ expressive, cohesive performances have won them many successes in competitions and festivals; piano pupils often gain scholarships to the top London schools and places at leading conservatoires and universities. She teaches and coaches privately, in masterclasses and at Highgate School where her students were winners of the 2019 Founder’s Trophy in the Pro Corda National Chamber Music Festival for Schools.


As Co-Artistic Director with cellist Penny Driver, Tamar runs con spirito chamber music Sundaysan innovative chamber music programme which brings together talented young musicians from all over London.



Tamar Andrusier, chamber music summer course at the Ingenium Academy music summer school

Tamar Andrusier, chamber music summer course at the Ingenium Academy music summer school